Kentucky Voices from the Convention, Part Two
We're doing our best to provide you with as many different perspectives from Denver as possible. Part of that effort is our "Kentucky Voices" feature. Here are some more Kentuckians speaking from their hearts about the Convention and the issues closest to them.
Obama delegate Reggie Thomas of Lexington gives BlueGrassRoots his reaction to Michelle Obama's speech.
Michele Thomas, an alternate delegate and Clinton supporter, gives BlueGrassRoots her impression of Hillary's speech at the Democratic National Convention.
Adam Platt, former Kentuckian and law school classmate, talks about a resurgent Democratic Party in the New West. Adam is Vice-President of Denver Young Dems.
Sandra Aniz Powell of Richmond on the importance of standing up for marginalized communities.
Clinton Delegate from the 4th Congressional District and Flatwoods native Tyler Murphy discusses his expectations for Hillary Clinton's Speech.
These and other videos can always be found on BlueGrassRoots' You Tube Channel.